
Delivering Kind and Careful Suggestions!

Open Communication and Questions

Editing is a collaboration. I have to do my best to help you achieve your best and that includes communicating every change I suggest that's more than a misplaced comma or a misspelled word. Additionally, I always ask a few questions so we're on the same page. You know your story better than I do as demonstrated here with a section of "Valhalla, Georgia" from The Aliens Will Come to Georgia First by Stephen Hundley which I worked on with the UNGPress.

No Fact Goes Unchecked!

I am a dedicated fact-checker with a wide variety of resources to ensure that your work is 100% correct. No need to fear pedantic readers, because I'm here! Here is one example of my fact-checking ability with a segment from Cherokee History and the Spirit Family by James Neil Barnes from my time with the UNGPress. Here is a highlighted example of a source that was no longer available or verifiable and untouched accessible sources.